I am Oliver,
For my generation adulthood seems to be complicated. The world around us has become more complicated than ever. The future expectations of my generation are quite depressing ones: longer life, yet longer working life, a constantly changing working environment, a damaged society around us, and a constantly changing environment, with constantly changing weather conditions, rising housing prices.

a teenager, an adolescent, entering adulthood soon.
For my generation adulthood seems to be complicated. The world around us has become more complicated than ever. The future expectations of my generation are quite depressing ones: longer life, yet longer working life, a constantly changing working environment, a damaged society around us, and a constantly changing environment, with constantly changing weather conditions, rising housing prices.
We live in the age of the social media, where even us, youngsters may post our opinion, yet It seems that the opinion of my generation has no impact on the decisions made around us, affecting our future.
We might have a feeling that regardless of what we want, or would like, our opinion is not heard.
Is this
really happening?

Do we have a choice to be heard?
This is what I would like to try to find out with this project.
I hope our voice matters.
I would like to prove that my generation is able to change the world. I want to show that we are capable of turning the world into a better direction. I strongly believe that today we can make the world just a little better place than it was yesterday.
What do I have in mind?
When I was in 10th grade, I got captured by the environmental science subject.
Every class provided evidence of how important it is to take care of the nature around us. How much our future, my future and my own life depends on the single action of buying another plastic bottle or refilling my own. I couldn't escape the responsibility of this subject and started to see the world around me through the glasses of needs of the environment. I realized how much trash we throw away on the streets and shores. I felt bad about it, so I started to pick up the trash. I soon realized that there is more trash than I can pick up. I felt a desperate need of finding like minded peers to join me to reach a bigger impact, and relieve the nature of trash. However it became clear enough that prevention would enable a greater win. If nobody throws away any trash, we don’t have to pick it up.
Humans like visual information, my generation especially
What we can’t see, or imagine, we are not motivated to spend time with, or even take action for. It is complicated to visualize the notion of environmental protection. It is hard to imagine what to do, or how to start at an individual level to help nature.
That is why I decided to take one simple action which is easy to visualize.
I started to pick up the beach glasses from the sand.
By doing so my aim is to SHOW my generation, how easy it is to take the first step.

Then I added the second action step:
by using a bit of FIMO clay I made a medal from the beach glass I collected. Transformed trash to jewelry. The medal is beautiful, and serves as a symbol of how easily we can convert trash into something valuable. The third step will be the hardest to visualize: I decided NOT to be the next one throwing glass into the ocean. To visualize the third action I created a logo, started a community in Facebook and Instagram, and started to create education material for the next generations of children.

The third step will be the hardest to visualize:
I decided NOT to be the next one throwing glass into the ocean. To visualize the third action I created a logo, started a community in Facebook and Instagram, and started to create education material for the next generations of children.

If you are conscious about the environment,
like transformation, and share my belief that children can start great actions, join me in making a significant difference:
Collect beach glasses and throw them into the selective trash bin
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Don’t be the next throwing glass into the ocean / sea / river / lake around you
Become a member of my network, share the idea with your friends and ask them to join the “Oceans without glass” community linket ide betenni
Start action in your local community: collect glass from the beach, river coast, or the lakeside
Start educating the kids around you (education material coming soon)
Oceans Without Glass Initiative
Oceans Without Glass Initiative
Oceans Without Glass Initiative
Oceans Without Glass Initiative
Oceans Without Glass Initiative
How can you support
the Oceans Without Glass Initiative?
Pick up just 1 glass from the beach,
river coast, or the lakeside, take a picture and put it in Facebook or Instagram
Buy one of my handmade medals.
By doing so you will contribute to the development of the education material for kids
Donate here
Make sure you have the
Oceans free of Glass T-shirt
Join me, and
- let’s show that we care,
- let’s show how easy it is to care
- visualize the damage we cause to the oceans
- initiate not to continue throwing trash into our waters
If I can do that, You can do that too